Teaching the Value of Commitment: God's Example and Yours
Jan 22, 2024
It seems that commitment is something that is less and less important in our society. As a teacher, I have watched commitment to activities and even to each other digress. The “selfie” culture has us focused on what makes “me” happy. If I’m not feeling it, I’m not going to do it.
But how dangerous are these types of thoughts and actions? Jesus teaches that our commandments are to love God and love others. However, somehow, we have flipped that to say I’m going to love myself first and then consider others after I have loved myself first.
Here’s the thing: We need to be more focused on serving others than what we’re receiving from them. Our meaning in life – if we matter, is not reliant on what we receive back from people.
Proverbs 16:2-3 says, “All the ways of a man are pure in his own eyes, but the Lord weighs the spirits. Commit your works to the Lord, and your thoughts will be established.”
Commitment In Marriage
The first response of the flesh is to consider yourself first, your motives, and your feelings. But the truth is, you will feel the most fulfilled when you commit what you do to God. In other words, everything you do should be as if you were doing it for God.
This idea of commitment follows us into our relationships with family and friends. Some view the commitment in a marriage as serious as having a boyfriend or girlfriend in elementary school. You remember those days, right? As soon as you checked the “yes” box, if you wanted to be their boyfriend/girlfriend, you hardly spoke to that person again, and a break-up was inevitable. However, we must treat the sacred marriage vows as much more.
When Bryce and I were first married, I recall Bryce joking around and mentioning divorce. Well, he quickly learned that the word “divorce” was no joking matter to me. We agreed then and there that we would never use that word again. Why? Because our commitment to each other wasn’t something to joke about – it is a covenant relationship that God joined together.
God’s Commitment To Us
A covenant is a Bible idea that God instituted. An article from Grand Canyon University called “What Are Biblical Covenants?” says, “A covenant in the ancient world was similar to what we in the modern world would call a contract, treaty, or a will. Each covenant established the basis of a relationship, conditions for that relationship, promises, and conditions of the relationship, and consequences if those conditions were unmet. One of the most familiar examples of a covenant for us is marriage.”
God’s commitment to us through His covenant is unmatched by anything we can understand. He will never leave us or forsake us. When He gives His Word, He will perform His Word on our behalf (if we have faith to believe it is true).
Commitment To Our Children/Grandchildren
We are to show commitment to our children as well. When Bryce or I gave our word about something – good or bad, we followed through on what we promised. If we said they wouldn’t get dessert unless they finished their dinner, they sat and watched us eat our dessert while their dinner sat in front of them. If we promised to go to the park after they cleaned their room, we went there when their task was done. In following through with our word to our children, they knew that mom and dad tell the truth, and we will be committed to what we have said. That kind of security in our commitment to them sustained through the teenage years.
This also has an eternal application. When we show commitment to our children, it also shows them what kind of Father God is to us. He follows through on His Word to us and will perform it in our lives. But if children have never been shown that through their earthly parents, believing God is faithful can be challenging.
Commitment To Our Jobs
The other area commitment is vital is in our workplaces. Your integrity is on the line when you promise to complete a task and then don’t do it, as well as to others you work with.
As Christians, people should know us by our fruit – how we act and respond to situations. As discussed today, commitment is a significant indicator of your heart condition. We ought to aim to be people of integrity – people who are committed to their marriage, their children, and in all we put our hands to do.
How To Be Committed
Challenge yourself to follow through with your commitments – big or small. Commit to:
- Read your Bible every day
- Pray every day
- Serve your spouse in a way they might not expect
- Follow through with your commitments to your children
- Be a person of integrity with your commitments at work.