The Marriage and FamilyĀ Blog


6 Tips For Building a Household of Faith category: marriage category: parenting Feb 05, 2024

We would all agree that building a successful family takes love. But what about faith? Faith sometimes falls by the wayside. However, it is faith that will keep us going when the hard times...

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Tools to Help Build Your Child's Faith category: parenting Jan 23, 2024

Last week the little town I live in put on a Christmas Extravaganza! The Middle School and High School Student Councils (which I am one of the advisors of) and the town businesses came together to...

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Should Christians Celebrate Halloween? category: christian living category: parenting Jan 23, 2024

I have heard many opinions through the years on whether or not Christians should celebrate or participate in Halloween. Many of you who read the title of this blog might have cringed at the subject...

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3 Keys to Heal After the Pain of Miscarriage category: parenting Jan 22, 2024

I am dedicating this month to moms - moms of every age and stage in their mothering journey. As I began to write this blog, I had not intended to talk about the heart-break of motherhood. However,...

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How Your Words Matter: Speak Life Into Your Relationships category: marriage category: parenting Jan 22, 2024

The biggest lie ever taught is, "Sticks and stones may break my bones, but names will never hurt me." I think it's fair to say we have all proved this little saying false.

Words can be used to...

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5 Tips to Help You Empty Nest category: parenting Jan 10, 2024

As I am writing this, my husband and I are driving back from dropping our second child off at college. (Update: We now have two kids married, and the "baby" will be married in June) If you...

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